ROC in former iron foundry: SUPER COOL according to 'Bouwwereld'
In the SUPERCOOL section of issue 4, 2021 of the magazine Bouwwereld ('Construction World'), Ruud Dilling talks about his favourite building. For him, that is Stork's iron foundry in Hengelo, now the building of ROC van Twente. "You can feel the history here. During the realisation of the new school, the choice was not made to return the hall to its original state, but to show its history by leaving it as it was found. So with peeling paint, cut pipes, cables and old cranes. Even the dust on the beams was allowed to remain. The building looks exactly the way it was left." And further: "With this bold approach, IAA Architecten have safeguarded the metal industry that is so intertwined with Hengelo's history. It was immediately named Building of the Year Region East by the BNA." Below are images of the hall as it is now used by ROC.