Progress at Hengelo construction sites
On three construction sites in Hengelo, hard work is being done on IAA Architecten projects: 't Groothuis at the Oldenzaalsestraat (urban villas and apartments), De Steern at the Deldenerstraat (three apartment buildings) and Het Woolde at the Woolderesweg / Geerdinksweg (two buildings with a total of 84 nursing home spaces).

't Groothuis at the Oldenzaalsestraat
An apartment building with 21 apartments and a commercial plinth at the Oldenzaalsestraat, with seven urban villas a little further along at the Oude Postweg.

De Steern at the Deldenerstraat
Three small-scale apartment buildings, each with eight luxury owner-occupied apartments and private parking facilities, are located in a beautifully landscaped green public space. Solar panels will be placed on the roof to generate electricity for the common areas.

Het Woolde at the Woolderesweg / Geerdinksweg
At the Woolderesweg, 36 people can live, and in the building at the Geerdinksweg there will be 48 places. Both buildings will be divided into groups of six residents living together. Each resident will have their own living/bedroom and a bathroom, with a communal kitchen and living room for each group.