Construction Westerhonk in Monster is progressing

  1. quality of life
  2. care centre
  3. 's Heeren Loo

On the site of 's Heeren Loo in Monster, the new construction for people with severe multiple disabilities (SMD) is almost finished. The expectation is that the building will be completed in October 2017.


It concerns a new and sustainable housing concept, both inside and out. In the L-shaped building, 32 clients stay on the ground floor in their own studios that are connected into group homes per eight. On the first floor there is room for expertise centre Advisium, an outpatient clinic, sports hall, classrooms and various therapy and treatment rooms. On the second floor, offices for the support services and management of Het Westerhonk are located. On the outside, the facades have been designed separately for each bay, so that the complex does not look like one large care institute.

The new building is designed in such a way that if the need for offices would be reduced, these spaces can be easily converted into studios and apartments too.

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