Faralda Crane officially opened

The Faralda Crane Hotel in Amsterdam will open on Friday 4 April. Together with its partner VDNDP, IAA Architecten has been closely involved in the creation of this special hotel. The transformation of the old NDSM crane was an intensive process with a very valuable end result on this slice of Amsterdam's industrial heritage.

In 2013, the Faralda Crane was disassembled and moved to Franeker. There, the steel structure was renovated and adapted and after a few months, placed back as a hotel. IAA made the aesthetic concept and led the plan through the building inspectorate test. IAA was involved in this special project up to and including the final design.

The renovation of the crane and the integration of the hotel rooms was a constructive challenge. For example, all pipes and cables had to be led up through flexible pipes. After all, the crane remains rotatable to cope with the wind. All water and electricity cables are thus connected via cable glands.

To guarantee the unconditional safety of visitors and guests, a safety and fire prevention manual of over 2000 pages has been drawn up. The building now meets these high standards.

The cooperation between the architect, the designer and a team of interior designers made the development and the final design very special. Inspired by Faralda, a legendary, exotic lady from the 1950s, three specific rooms were created. Each room has a distinct identity, exuberance and luxury.

The crane has been restored with the support of the Nationaal Restauratiefonds.

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