IAA Enschede opens its doors on Open Monument Day 2013

  1. office

As part of Open Monument Day 2013, IAA Architecten in Enschede will open its doors on Sunday 15 September from 11.00 to 17.00.

IAA Enschede is located in a city villa, designed for the Menko-Edersheim family in 1935 by architect K.P.C. de Bazel. The house was one of the last manufacturer's villas to be built on the then Rembrandtlaan (today M.H. Tromplaan). The design is special within De Bazel's oeuvre. It is the only house design with a flat roof and shows similarities with the Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (Netherlands Trading Society) office in Amsterdam, which dates from the same period.

Guided tours will be given in the Menko-Edersheim house, the villa part of our office. In addition, in the reception area an exhibition has been set up about K.P.C. de Bazel and the Menko-Edersheim family, respectively the architect and the residents.

Come and have a look next Sunday!

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