Flexible hospital through 'harmonica model'
The treatment of corona patients has shown what a flexible building the Saxenburgh Medical Centre in Hardenberg is. Thanks to the harmonica model, a corona ward can be set up for one to 21 patients, without the need for partitions. And it is possible to look at what is needed every new day. As soon as there are fewer corona patients, there is more room again for regular care. So there is no need to close entire wards as is sometimes the case in other hospitals. The ICU wards are also flexible. These are all single rooms, so that corona patients and regular patients can also be safely admitted there at the same time.
The choice of this setup in the design had been made before the coronavirus outbreak, but is now proving to be a great advantage. The solution is the separate patient flows. Outpatient care is separate from acute care or inpatients. Someone who comes for a check-up only, does not have to go through the entire hospital. This is much safer and as a result, no departments had to close and a lot of regular care can still be carried out.
Report RTV Oost
In an interview with RTV Oost, Wouter van der Kam (chairman of the Saxenburgh Groep Board of Directors) talks about the top performance of everyone working at the hospital.