BIM basis ILS v2 has been released
A great step for the BIMming Netherlands, because version 2 of BIM basis ILS was released on 2 October 2020. This new version has been tightened up on all fronts and extended with important components. This makes BIM basis ILS even more widely applicable and serves as a good basis for every project. Besides the adapted infographic, there is a totally revamped website with better, step-by-step explanations and thus even less room for noise. The motto remains: the more companies and institutions in the construction industry cooperate according to this structure, the greater the benefits for all of us.
Since the launch of the first version of BIM basis ILS, usage has grown enormously. With this, knowledge about how BIM basis ILS is applied has also grown. With these insights, the management organisation set to work to explore how BIM Basis ILS could appeal to an even wider audience to join in.
Beside the management organisation, a large number of users, including IAA Architecten, contributed to the new version. Input was gathered in user meetings, review rounds and with the input of various experts.
With BIM basis ILS version 2, the BIM basis ILS movement is entering a new phase: one in which unambiguous collaboration is possible for an even broader audience.
More info at BIM Loket